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Here’s our TFP for Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023:
Uncommitted 2026 CF Makayla Watson recently talked to Dugout Chatter about Indiana Magic Gold-Bennett/Goddard, Westfield High, her team’s runner-up finish at the 14U Alliance Nationals, OC Batbusters-K. Stith/Black, overcoming a lack of confidence, future college, media/communications, Modern World History, Anthony Rizzo, “Divergent,” rain sounds, “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Harry Potter” and juggling.

Name: Makayla Watson
Hometown: Westfield, IN
High School: Westfield High
Club Team: Indiana Magic Gold 16U-Bennett/Goddard
Graduation Year: 2026
Height: 5-foot-6
Position: CF
Nickname: My nickname is “Wheels.” My travel ball coaches started calling my that because of how fast I am on the bases.
Honors: AFCS Tier 1 All-Tournament Team (2023); Triple Crown Nationals All-Tournament Team; AFCS Fastest Women Challenge 14U Winner (2023); 2nd Team All-Conference; and Rookie of the Year Award for high school.
Travel Ball Fall Stats: .457 AVG, .500 OBP, 43 Hits, 41 Runs, 10 RBIs and 33 SBs.
Travel Ball Summer Stats: .448 AVG, .500 OBP, 60 Hits, 36 Runs, 19 RBIs and 40 SBs.
High School Stats: .312 AVG, 34 Hits, 26 Runs and 13 SBs.

Tell us about your travel team/organization and how you became involved with them? I play for Indiana Magic Gold-Bennett/Goddard. I have been with my head coaches since 8U and I have never played for anybody else. This organization and team have created a family-like culture where everyone has each other’s backs and we all work harder to become better for one another. There is always someone there to step up when you are struggling and I know that I will do the same for any of my teammates. I love this team and these coaches. They have made me a better player and a better person. Playing for this team has been one of the best experiences of my life.
Tell us about your high school team and how you did? Playing varsity as a freshman can be very intimidating, but my high school teammates were so welcoming and they made it easy to connect with them. We work hard and have fun playing together. One of the best things about this team is that we never give up. That attitude and work ethic led to us winning the first ever sectional championship in school history this past season. I had a solid freshman season, tying the single-season singles record, being named Rookie of the Year and making 2nd Team All-Conference. We’re looking forward to making an even deeper post-season run this coming year.

Can you talk about your team’s runner-up finish at the 14U Alliance Nationals? I am super proud of our team and the hard work we have put in the past few years to get to this point. My coaches have always talked about trusting the process and we have done that without training and preparation. Since our team is like a family, we are able to trust each other in these big games and moments, which helped lead us to this amazing finish.
Which player/team has been your toughest opponent and why? OC Batbusters-Stith/Black has been our toughest opponent. They are a solid, high-quality team that brings their best every time they play.
What have you faced/overcome in life that has made you the person you are today? There was time I faced a lack of confidence and struggled with the ability to pick myself up after mistakes and rough games. This period of my life challenged me to work through the mental part of my game. Learning how to manage the mental aspects not only helped build my confidence and make me a better player, but also helps me in situations outside of softball and something that I will use my whole life.

What are you looking for in a future college? I am looking for a college that has strong academics, a coaching staff that has built a good team culture where I am being pushed to be a better athlete and person but feels like family. If I lost the ability to play softball, I could still see myself going to school there.
What areas are you interested in future occupations and why? Some areas that I am interested in are working for a professional sports team in media/communications because I love being around sports or being a dermatologist because I can help people feel better about their skin and how they present themselves.
What’s your favorite subject to study in school and why? My favorite subject is Modern World History because I love learning about the two World Wars. I find the details and different battles in each war are really interesting.
Who is your sports hero and why? My sports hero is Anthony Rizzo because of how he approaches the game and he’s always happy on the field. He taught me that having fun is a crucial part of how you play.
What’s your favorite book to read and why? My favorite book is “Divergent” (by Veronica Roth) because it has a great plot and I love reading about the different societies in the dystopian world.
What’s the best hype song and why? I don’t really have a hype song. I usually listen to rain sounds before my games to get me relaxed, calm and focused. I find that it slows my mind down and helps me not overthink things during the game.
What’s your favorite TV show to binge and why? “Grey’s Anatomy” because I find all of the medical cases and emergencies interesting and I like following along with all of the drama-filled lives of the doctors.
What’s your favorite movie and why? “Harry Potter: Deathly Hollows Part 2” because my favorite scene from the book, Voldemort thinking that Harry is dead and then Harry rolling our of Hagrid’s arms to battle with Voldemort, is captured perfectly.
Do you have a secret talent/skill? Juggling.
Ariel Redmond, 2024, OF, Impact Gold-Jackson/Oak Ridge High, TX, Houston
GO COOGS!!❤️ @CourtOliver24 @Lwaldrop_13 @BenReindel @Coach_Ves @IG_Jackson18u @ORHSSoftball
— Ariel Redmond (@ariel_redmond4) October 28, 2022
Tyah Charlton, 2024, SS, Starz Gold-Bigham/Amherst County High, VA, Georgia
Dreams do come true, but you still have to put the work in to get there #GoDawgs Thank you @16uStarz , @StarzGold, @kchristmas and @AllenWoodTow for helping me on my journey!
— Tyah Charlton (@TCharlton13) October 17, 2022
Today’s Hype Song of the Day is …
Today’s Best Thing In The World is …
.@UCLASoftball @cchsdons @CoronaAngels
— Wild Laughs (@wild_laughs) August 28, 2023
— Carlos Arias, Dugout Chatter (Follow Carlos on Twitter @Los_Stuff and Thread @los_stuff)