Uncommitted 2025 3B/1B Emma Knight of Texas Bombers Gold 16U-Smith has joined the Dugout Chatter Blogging Crew and she will be providing her insights and analysis all summer.
She’s off to a strong start so far. In 18 games and 35 at-bats, she’s batting .429 with a 1.576 OPS, 15 hits, six doubles, six HRs and 19 RBIs.
Here’s her blog for Monday, June 19, 2023:

It’s crazy to think as I’m writing this … it’s already June 19th. This summer is flying by and I feel like it really just got started.
So here is a little recap of my summer so far. It started with my high school team going to state. We did really (well), but sadly lost, 1-0, in the state semifinals to the future champions. We had a great season and I am so proud of what we accomplished. The state tournament ended on a Thursday and that Saturday travel ball started.
We have played three tournaments so far and done really well. I’ve started my summer off with six home runs for the season, and my team and I just won the Summer Cup this past weekend.
I am absolutely loving my team right now. I have some of the best teammates I could ask for and I’m proud to say I call all of them my best friends.
We are about to head up to Colorado this Wednesday to play the Patriot games and the (Triple Crown Colorado) Sparkler. I’m so excited to see what the rest of the summer awaits and cannot wait for these next following weeks!
— Emma Knight (Follow Emma on Twitter @emmalusoftball)